Chapter 7: Getting It Down: Making and Taking Notes Across the Curriculum
The book states a quote from a teacher that says "while people may have different ways of taking notes, I do believe that it's a skill that can be taught. I also believe that students need to be show how to take notes-good notes-that they can use later" (pg121). I definitely agree with this teacher. Note taking is a skill that can be taught and SHOULD be taught in the classroom. I think it would be beneficial to have taken a note-taking class in school. This is something that a lot of students struggle with. Struggling with this can greatly effect a student's performance in the classroom. The book also states that "better note-takers generally do better in school and specific types of note-taking produce better results" (pg124). This is absolutely true, the student who is organized and takes good notes will most likely do better in school than the student who has a DISASTROUS notebook and no note-taking skills! There were only a few classes in high school where my teacher showed us an example of good note-taking and required us to have an organized notebook for a grade. If my dreams come true and I am teaching middle school math I will definitely require this is my classroom. I will require my students to have a notebook with dividers and specific divider headings. Organization and good note-taking skills are things that prevent students from succeeding in college in my opinion.
However, not only do you need to know how to take the notes in class but you need to know what the other steps are in order for your notes to be effective. The book states that "note-taking requires both a process and product function" (pg124). The process function is simply taking the notes, this part I have mastered throughout college! However, the product function is REVIEWING THE NOTES later. This, I have NOT mastered. I find it hard to motivate myself to look back over my notes unless there is a major test in a day or so. This is something that I would like to improve. I would also like to help my future students understand how important this is. It will actually help you LEARN the information rather than trying to cram it all in your brain before the test. This is something that I am sure many of us are guilty of! I found the information in this chapter to be very useful and I hope to use the ideas in my future classroom!
What are some good ways to motivate students to WANT to take notes and be organized?
Is there a book I can purchase with a ton of different note taking styles?
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